When most people think of an auto retailer’s finance department, they assume it’s just a guy behind a desk running a credit score and pairing you with the first lender that approves your purchase of a new car. And while you may experience this at other dealers, at Land Rover North Haven, this couldn’t be any further from the truth.
Our first priority, above all else, is ensuring you’re paired with the right vehicle and you’ve decided on leasing or financing. Luckily our sales team does an excellent job of this before you talk to a finance expert – but it never hurts to review the specifics again. The second thing we do is make sure you’re prepared correctly. Is all your info up-to-date? Are your source of income items and employer info correct? We want to be sure that any pertinent information that impacts your rate is highlighted positively.
Third, do you qualify for incentives, kickbacks, or specialty rebates? This can make a huge difference in the overall total. Finally, after we’ve submitted your credit information and heard back from multiple lenders, does everything look accurate? Do the rates match up with your credit profile history? Is there a mistake on our end or theirs that might change your rate for the better?
If you’ve found the new or pre-owned Land Rover vehicle you’ve been searching for, it’s time to consider financing and leasing options. Let the Land Rover North Haven financing department help you find the best Land Rover finance options in Branford for your budget and lifestyle. Don’t forget to check our rotating new vehicle specials to get a great Land Rover offer! If you want to get a head start before you meet with our finance department experts, we offer the following tools to help streamline the process:
The final step in the finance process is ensuring you have adequate protection on your new investment. Over the years, we’ve formed partnerships with dozen of insurance providers and can match you up to the best organization based on your driving history and other items.
To get started on the road to your next Land Rover, contact us today, and we’ll help you with the first steps in the process!